Heroism In The Odyssey

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In the history of literature, a person or some people that make a positive change can be recognized as a hero. Heroism has various aspects that the readers look for, such as courage, bravery, selflessness, humility, patience, caring, and other characteristics that make a normal person stand out to be a hero. Although, in reality, heroes have normal human being characteristics as well. There are many different kinds of heroes in literature like juror #8 in “12 Angry Men” who had to stand alone for what he believed was right, while the odds were against him. Also, another type of hero could be the bravest, slaying monster type of hero like Odysseus in The Odyssey. A last type of hero is the hero that is the most normal, and has plenty human characteristics. …show more content…

A hero is idolized and completes outstanding achievements that are admired. Atticus Finch from the story To Kill A Mockingbird is recognized as a hero as for he has many of these characteristics that make up a hero. A first example that shows Atticus is a hero is in his talk with Jem, “I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what” (149). This quote explains Atticus’s definition of courage while showing the reader that Atticus Finch has courage because he has done work before, where he knows he has been “licked” before he even started. Atticus signed up to be Tom Robinson’s lawyer even though he already knew they probably weren’t going to win the case because of how the town Maycomb is very prejudice and racist towards black people. A second event in the book where Atticus’s heroism has showed was when Scout and Jem went down to the jailhouse and saw Atticus there, protecting Tom Robinson from the mob of white, angry men that arrived at the jailhouse later in the story. This situation once again shows Atticus’s bravery and courage being that he stood up for Tom, a black man who was wanted dead, while risking his own life. Lastly, a third reason that proves Atticus is a hero is Atticus accepting the opportunity to be a lawyer for Tom Robinson while still knowing what inconveniences were coming his way. Miss Maudie said to Scout and Jem, “I simply want to tell you that there are some men in this world who were born to do unpleasant jobs for us. Your father’s one of them” (288). This quote indicates that Atticus risked his life just to stand up for Tom Robinson even though he knew he would be facing threats and mean comments from people.

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