Heroes Who Do The Right Thing

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When you hear the word hero what comes to mind? Many people think heroes are people who wear capes while others say that they are officers or fireman. First, I believe that a hero is a person who does the right thing.Second, a hero can be anyone. Last, hero is someone who helps anyone in harsh times.

To start off, heroes are people who do the right thing. For example, a teen who says no to drugs. This teen has not saved anyone else like spiderman or ironman instead this teen has just saved themselves by doing the right thing. Would you consider them a hero? It's not always effortless to do the right thing when others are doing blameworthy things. Many would not consider this a heroic act but just think about the teen who said no and how he has saved his family from immense trouble. Drugs are a very serious problem and a teen saying no to drugs under all that pressure, in my eyes, is considered a heroic act. Another example would be, a person who helps an elderly person carry his or her groceries to their house. Many people don't care about the elderly people so they won't consider this a heroic act, but this might have made this general person's day. To many people, it does not matter, but for that elderly person it might've saved them a long and exhausting trip. …show more content…

From kids to adults heroes can be found anywhere. From the little boy who stands up to bullies to spiderman saving a citizen of Newyork. Police officers, fireman and soldiers fighting in Afghanistan are all classified as heroes. Even animals can be heroes like this dog that saved his owner's life from a fire. Doctors and nurses are also heroes by saving countless lives and developing new medicines to fight life-threatening sicknesses. Therefore, there are various types of

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