Herman Boone Character Traits

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Herman Boone: The Civil Rights and Coaching Legend Herman Boone was a man with a tough interior and exterior, showing no mercy, showing no pain, and definitely showing no shame of his color. Herman Boone was a very important figure in football and early civil rights history. He helped to liberate African-Americans in the 60’s and 70’s. Boone shows that if someone deliberately disobeys him, he will make them pay because he shows no mercy ("Remember the Titans: Interview with Real-Life Head Coach Herman Boone Part 1"). Herman Boone was pushed by the entire school staff, board, and disrespect from students. Everyone, especially the athletic directors, wanted Herman Boone to fail so he would be fired right off the spot. Boone grew up as a leader and showed no difference in color. Herman Boone showed determination in his job, showing that he will not give up his job and lose respect just because of the color of his skin. Boone told his players the first day he received the job specifically, “ I don’t care if you're black, white, green , or blue! The best player, plays!” ("Remember the Titans True Story - …show more content…

He wants to show the players that leadership depends on how they depend on each other and that they must deal with the race issues of the team first, and then the city will follow the example. He wanted to show people that the the skin doesn’t determine the team, the talent in the team determines how good they are. The objective was to make equality for the players and students in T.C. Williams and maybe they could make a difference in civil rights. He didn’t care what he was going to sacrifice. Boone wanted to feel the good taste of satisfaction in his mouth. He knew he would have to overcome troubles at the start. Herman knew that he was going to take criticism, but Boone will not stop until he makes his point ("Legendary Coach Herman Boone Remains the

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