Helping Homeowners Avoid Foreclosure

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Homeowners are faced with difficult financial decisions. Impulse buying and extravagant purchases that were made because it was affordable at the moment are forcing home owners to become statistics of the declining economy. Among the many problems they face, they are also being forced into foreclosure and losing their homes.

From the beginning consumers and the banks overspent and overstretched their budgets. Consumers gave into the game, and the financial institutions gave into the greed by not ensuring that their customers were 100% qualified. Some consumers do not have the income they originally had to keep their homes, and too often had to choose between everyday necessities. All home buyers first time or the twentieth time need to be counseled regarding what they want versus what they can afford when researching loans or mortgages. Most buyers are uneducated regarding their debt to income ratio and no one ever thinks twice about losing their income due to unemployment.

Due to the lenders greed, that itch to make a buck, it appeared that anyone and everyone were being approved for a mortgage regardless of their income. Now with the changing economy, layoffs and unemployment, the higher mortgages that were manageable are now unable to be paid and forcing people into foreclosure. Now after the “big guy” got their bail outs, they claim to be able to finance more mortgages and loans in an attempt to regain customers. However, due to the federal funds, there are hefty and strict regulations. The banks are now better off. But the “little guys” bailout has yet to arrive.

To prevent sinking further into the foreclosure crisis, all parties involved need to analyze their situation and take responsibility for their actions. Yes, ...

... middle of paper ... in a positive direction. There has to be stop to the “big guy” getting the bailouts and the “little guy” is forced into foreclosure. This cycle will not stop until it is taken seriously and broken. Yes there are rules to the use of the money. New mortgages are out there and waiting for the consumer who is required to fork over five percent down of the purchase price when they could not afford their monthly payments. Instead of putting the time and money into forcing foreclosures on those who could possibly afford a payment now, would it not be more productive to help those already established and avoid the foreclosure? As with any program, guidelines and goals would be mapped out to ensure that 1) the income meets the mortgage needs, 2) If there were hardship in the future, a plan would be set to do everything possible to make payments and to find employment.

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