Hell In No Exit

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In the play No Exit every character has a view of what Hell is for them. What Hell does is it gives you challenges and tests. In No Exit the characters all go through major hardships and they had to face them knowing that they are going to be there for eternity. The first issue they all have to deal with is, wanting things they cannot have and not being able to be with the people closest to their hearts. The second issue is boredom and the passing of time. And, the third issue is the guilt of what they did to be sent to Hell and knowing that they could have changed the outcome. All of these issues are some of the same types of struggles we have in our daily lives and at times do not even realize it. Not being able to be with the people that you love and hold dear to your heart is the worst. It is hard to go just a few days without seeing the people they love but it gets worse because they realize they will never see them again. Life without their loved ones is literally Hell. Hell is different for each person. In No Exit the Hell for each individual character is different even though they are very similar. The magnitude of it is the only difference. No one will truly understand what Hell is until it is experienced by them. …show more content…

In No Exit the characters have to overcome boredom and they have no way of passing time. The only way they deal with this world that has now become their reality is by telling stories about their loved ones, missing home and sharing the reasons they were sent there. In some small way this helps them survive their new reality. The reminders of family and the visions that give just a little of what is happening in their past life shows them enough and makes them want to see more. When you have nothing to do, it is really hard not to think about the people you love considering there are always constant reminders of them wherever you

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