Health Screening Assessment

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I am a 19-year-old female college student who is 5’4” (64 in) tall and weigh 133 lbs (59.85kg) with a BMI of 23.37 kg•m-2. My doctor never told me that I had any heart or respiratory condition. I do not have diabetes, I never had a stroke or heart attack, and I do not have asthma. My physical condition is good; I do not have any bones or joints that will get worse from me performing any form of physical activity.
According to the ACSM CAD risk profile, I am under the age of 55, so my age does not meet the risk/criteria of having cardiovascular disease. My father and mother are both still living and are under the ages of 55 and 65. They both have not had a myocardial infarction or coronary revascularization. Both of my father and mother are in good health. Although, my great uncle had a heart attack at the age of 45 and passed away. Since, my great uncle was not my first degree relative, I will not meet the risk/criteria based off my family history. I am a non-smoker; cigarette smoking has never caught my attention and I would rather have healthy lungs. …show more content…

I have never had a heart attack, heart transplantation, diabetes, and renal disease. Though, I am currently physically active, I have been active within the last three-six months for 30 minutes at moderate intensity for five days per week. According to the New ACSM Pre-Participation Health Screening (2015), since I participate in regular physical activity and do not have any CV, metabolic or renal disease and no signs or symptoms of any of the diseases. I will not need a medical clearance to perform exercise and I can continue moderate or vigorous intensity exercise, but I may gradually progress following the ACSM

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