Harvey Milk Argumentative Essay On Robert Epstein

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“If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door in the country” (Shilts 184). This quote shows how passionate Harvey Milk was. Milk campaigned two times (1973 and 1975) for the position of Supervisor on the San Francisco Board. He lost both times. He tried it again one last time in 1977 and won “with 30 percent of the vote over 16 candidates” (NYTimes Harvey Milk). Robert Epstein portrayed Harvey Milk accurately in the documentary The Times of Harvey Milk. Epstein depicted Milk’s early life to his political career to his and Mayor George Moscone’s assassination.
A New Jersey born, nineteen year old, Rob Epstein took a bus from New Jersey to San Francisco to start his filming career. Not long after his big move …show more content…

Even before, when he was campaigning.The issue was that he was homosexual. The people of San Francisco didn’t think he was capable of helping people. “If a gay can win, it means there is hope that the system can work for all minorities if we fight. We've given them hope.” (Shilts 183). Milk worked hard to represent minorities when no one else would. “As supervisor Harvey Milk has the political skills to advance the issues that neighborhood people cared about. Rent control, limiting high rise development, public transportation and the right of senior citizens” (Time of Harvey Milk, …show more content…

“Main purpose was to prevent people, who are already employed, who are gay...prevents them from being fired” (Times of Harvey Milk, The). “The legislation won by a vote of 10-1” (White House Comments on Medal of Freedom Winners). The only person that was opposing the bill was Supervisor Dan White. Senator John Briggs was strongly against this bill to. He created proposition 6, also commonly known as the Briggs Initiative. It was ballot that would have “ banned gays and lesbians from working in California's public schools” (Ballotpedia). The proposition failed with 58.4 percent against

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