Hannie Rayson's Inheritance

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Hannie Rayson in the play “Inheritance” shows that inheritance is both a curse and a blessing. Rayson’s play shows that receiving inherit can have an advantage and disadvantage in the people who receive goods from the past generation if they don’t make who should get the inherit. Dibs and Girlie fates were determined by the toss of a coin that who would win the freedom or duty. Inheritance displays both the good and bad side of gaining to legacy. The legacy that was passed down to Lyle turned out to be curse, identical to Norm. While Dibs were cursed to have the duty and Girlie was blessed to have her freedom, it did not work out as the twins thought. Lyle was cursed by inheriting Norm’s depression. And the other hand Dibs was cursed to look after the farm as her duty, so she had to sacrifice her dreams of going Melbourne and she was stuck with the farm. Nugget also experienced the full force of his cursed inheritance due to blood. Dibs who initially wanted to go to Melbourne had to sacrifice her dream going to Melbourne and had to stay at Allandale and look after the farm as her duty. “I love being down at Melbourne...” It's everything I always dreamed of' But she was bound by the toss of the coin and not able to go; “we are all trapped….” What she …show more content…

Lyle is a hard working and family loving man who says, “no one can teach you to be a farmer. Its either in you or it isn’t.” Lyle unfortunately has more than just farmers blood on him, like his grandfather Norm, he reiterates the idea that “life’s not fair” both characters struggle to make a living and support their families. Even within Lyle’s own family he is unsupported. With discouraging remarks from his wife and disheartening comment from his daughter Ashleigh, Lyle following in the footsteps of Norm. In a sense, Lyle carried on the genetic inheritance. Nugget also gains a genetic inheritance instead of a materialistic

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