Handsomest Drowned Man In The World

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In many societies, change is resisted, people like to continue with the status quo, and this leads to stagnation. In these types of society, change is brought about the introduction of a new object or interaction with a new item. In the story of the Handsomest Drowned Man in the World, the village is slow, and the villagers are about their normal routines until they realize a foreign object the children were playing with. On realizing it was a dead individual, the villagers brought the dead man back to one of the village houses to tend to him for burial. The village that had stone courtyards without flowers would normally be quiet, but there was a commotion because of the dead man. The men thought it was merely the women filled with grief, Change occurs in all societies as they advance and adopt the living conditions they are exposed to. Social change though being necessary is sometimes slow to come by and in these cases; external strangers to the society will prompt change. The human nature is tilted naturally to resist change but once the individuals are prompted and see the possible changes and if they serve their benefits humans will always change and transform the society to best fit them and advance. Change and transformation at times are in the minds of the society, but the society will not react or transform until an external influence affects them prompting them to transform such as the village in the short story The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World. The villagers had all the changes in mind and never implemented them such as painting their wooden houses and planting flowers around the village. The dead body of ‘Esteban’ brought significant change and transformation to the village despite it not talking moving or making any suggestion to the villagers on the changes, they would make to their village. The external stimuli of the large handsome man brought about change and transformation in the

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