Hamlet Act 3 Theme Analysis

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3 Major Themes (An Analysis of the 3 Major Themes from Acts 1-3) Have you ever felt many emotions at once? In the play Hamlet, Hamlet experiences many emotions after finding out that his father was murdered. He is told that he needs to take revenge on his father's murderer, and has a lot of trouble figuring out how he is going to do it. In all of the acts, there are many soliloquies, most of which are performed by Hamlet. In Acts 1-3 of Hamlet, there are many themes that are expressed in the soliloquies that are performed. In act 1 of Hamlet, the theme of sadness and depression is expressed in Hamlet’s soliloquy. After finding that is father not only died, but was actually murdered, Hamlet is really depressed. He is so sad, that he actually contemplates suicide. This is expressed in the lines, “O that this too too solid flesh would melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew, or that the everlasting had not fixed his canon ‘gainst self-slaughter. O God. O God.” (Lines 131-134) However, he decides not to kill himself because it is against the church's’ beliefs. Hamlet is also upset because he thinks that life isn’t great anymore, and that the world is not being taken care of. The theme of trust is expressed in Hamlet’s soliloquy in act 2 of the play. In this soliloquy, he focuses most of the trust on himself. He doesn’t trust a lot of …show more content…

Throughout the play, Hamlet grows more and more depressed and upset. As you get deeper into the play, Hamlet runs into more problems. All these problems overwhelm him and suicide is on his mind. He says, “ To be, or not to be, that is the question: whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.” (Lines 63-67) he also explains that to die is to sleep, and by doing so, you could end the heartaches and the anxieties that humans suffer

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