Halloween: The Story And Evolution Of Halloween

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For almost every man, woman and child on earth, October 31 means candy, kids running on the streets, spooky costumes and scary movies. But the story and evolution behind one of the most commercial holidays in the world, Halloween, is quite interesting.
Halloween, also known as All Hallows eve, evolved from an ancient Celtic festival called Samhain, which means “summer’s end”. This day meant the end of the summer and the beginning of the cold winter which was associated with death. The ancient Gaels believed that this day was somehow a bridge between the world of the living and the world of the dead. They thought ghosts returned to Earth causing trouble and damaging the crops. Bust most important, they believed that the presence …show more content…

One of them, was the day in late October when Romans commemorated the passing of the dead. By the 9th century Christianity influenced the Celtic Islands when the church made November 2 “All Souls Day” or also called “All-hallows”. Which is believed was created to replace the Samhain in these countries and impose the Catholic religion. This holiday also was celebrated with big bonfires but this time, people gathered around dressed as angels, saints and devils. When these two similar holidays combined, people started calling it …show more content…

But also, there are many different versions and many similar festivities around the world. Such as “el Día de los Muertos” celebrated in México. This is a joyful holiday were people get together to remember friends and family that passed away. In fact, this holiday lasts three days. It begins the night of October 31 and ends on November 2, in what Christians know as “All Souls Day”. While in China, Halloween is known as Teng Chieh. People place water and food in front of photographs of family members who have died while lanterns are lit around them to guide the spirit’s path. There is also Chusok in North Korea. But this festivity takes place in the month August and people thank their ancestors by visiting their tombs making offerings of rice and fruits. In England, people celebrated All Fawkes day. The English decided they had no reasons of celebrating All Saints ’ Day since they didn’t believe in saints because of their protestant beliefs. So they started to commemorate English traitor Guy Fawkes, who wanted to remove King James from power and attempted to blow up England’s parliament building. Also, people lit bonfires and children walked the streets knocking on doors and asking for “a penny for the guy”. But eventually this holiday

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