Gwendolyn Brooks Mother

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The Mother and On My First Son The poem, “The Mother” by Gwendolyn Brooks is about a future mother who takes her kids to a better place. She has a sense of thought that her abortion is potentially saving her kids. She poisoned the beginning of their deaths and the lovely mother mourns of their early death. The death that never birthed. The mother is trying to sort things out for herself. The poem, “On My First Son” the father creates a new opening to a grief I never experienced. The writer, Ben Jonson explicitly states the death of his first son and how his son made him a real father. The father is devastated by the fact that fate took his son away. He grieves and truly believes he is still a father without his son. The mother is …show more content…

But that they did this without life experiences. She then tells them what she has said to them when she felt guilty. She tells them how she has heard their voices in the air and how she has seen them in her dreams. After the first ten lines the speaker ten turns to her own ‘dim killed children’ and talks to them. The mother, with the ability to reproduce, takes pregnancies for granted. When the writer says, “I have heard in the voices of the wind, the voices of my dim killed children.” that they're hazy, dark, maybe unreachable. These children exist dimly as shadowy figures. She has said in her mind how she has sinned against them, what she has stolen from them, and how she has taken their lives. Lines (24-32), she tries to make excuses, but they all fail, and she ends up by only saying that she loves ‘them …show more content…

She's thinking through the lives that her non-existent children she never got to have. “Abortions will never let you forget.” The poem’s simple language gives the reader how a mother experiences guilt after an abortion. “You remember the children you got that you did not get”. Perhaps the mother loved her pregnant body with the idea that a child’s heart is beating. The mother is saving her child from the cruel world that was soon ahead of them. Perhaps to quickly take her future children away from her body to begin her next child. The idea behind the lines in the poem is that the pregnancies makes the mother feel like she accomplished motherhood. The symbolism in the poem brings out a vibrant image to the mother’s eyes. “The damp small pulps with a little or with no hair”. The suggestions in the poem tell me she is telling other women to not commit the crime and sin of abortion. Pregnancies are the first steps to motherhood while viewing the care, love, and proper nourishment of your child creates a loving

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