Group Proposal Essay

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Group Proposal:
Support group for high school students experiencing divorce.
By Yiana Georgas

Rational for Group Proposal:

Figures of children and adolescents experiencing divorce

The research of Australian Institute of Family Studies claims an occurrence of divorce within a family home may be the result of various reasons. Common instances include lack of communication between parents, household conflict, cultural and religious practices, financial and work related issues in addition to several other factors that contribute to an end of a marriage (2013, p. 223). In the recent years, studies have confirmed children under the age of 18 are far more likely to undergo the divorce of their parents (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2012). In 2001, the percentage of this population calculated just over half of the Australian divorces (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2012). Later in 2012, almost 45,000 of this population experienced the event of a divorce (AIFS 2013). Investigation by the Australian Psychological Society reinforces these significant figures as it illustrates, every year approximately 50,000 children experience the impacts of divorce and family separation (2009 p. 2).

The risks and impacts of divorce on children and adolescents

Additional studies have indicated divorce consequently affects the lives of the children involved in various forms, significantly across childhood and adolescent years (AIFS 2013). Findings by Monash University verified children of divorced parents who are between the development stages of childhood and adolescence are at greater risk of emotional difficulties, lack of self-esteem, social and relationship issues, compared to those of ‘intact families’ (2014, p. 2-3). Majority of these emoti...

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...rming – hopefully at this stage the students have reached a secure bond with one another including the facilitators and are freely expressing their genuine emotions and thoughts with the group. In some cases, after disclosing personal information of their family background students may find it too overwhelming. A statement in response to this can be “Toby, I know this hasn’t bee easy for you but I feel you have a shared a whole lot, and I feel very moved by what you said. I now feel closer to you. Thank you for sharing that with us”. This response will validate acknowledgement and that is ok to feel this way.

Mourning – this may be a fragile stage for some students as it is another ending occurrence for them. Facilitators can encourage students to organise a part to signify the ending as a positive event and to add another memorable life event to their lives.

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