Grendel's Negative Effects On The People

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In the story, Grendel has many interactions with the people, however, each one that he has leaves a more negative impact on the people. He never really achieves a positive dialogue with anyone, and if he does, he always ends it by killing them. He has a general disposition of anger and disgust towards the humans, and it is not described as to why he has had one. He is unempathetic and aggressive towards humankind in the novel. For one, he takes pride in his killings, and even goes into great detail about each of the many killings he does. “I bit his head off, crunched through the helmet and skull with my teeth and, holding the jerking, blood-slippery body in two hands, sucked the blood that sprayed like a hot, think geyser from his neck. It …show more content…

However, he uses this to his advantage. He makes others feel as if he is more important or that he had a greater title, but he is just Grendel. He makes up all of these crazy names and uses many different words to make himself have a higher status. He tricks others (and even himself) into believing he is important, which is not something that a hero would do. Grendel makes Hrothgar’s people view him as some god of destruction. When he was with the feeble old monk, he tricked him into viewing him as a higher being, saying “‘It is I,’ I say. ‘The Destroyer’”(130). He should not have tricked anyone into thinking he was a destroyer, let alone an old man. Older people have been known to believe anything that they are told, so Grendel should not have taken advantage of him (knowing that he would believe anything Gendel said). This is not heroic because a true hero would never trick anyone into thinking they were something they were not. Another time that Grendel tricked someone was when Grendel actually tricked himself to fill his villain persona. “Grendel the truth-teacher, phantasm-tester! It was what I would be from this day forward--my commitment, my character as long as I loved--and nothing alive or dead could change my mind!”(110). He tricked himself into believing that he had to fill this character, and unfortunately with that he tricked himself into tricking others that he was an almighty force that creates chaos. He made himself believe that he is the being that will teach truth to the people, meanwhile he is actually a being that just kills the people (no lesson or teaching involved). Grendel dedicated himself to this character, but in actuality this character made him a killing machine against the humans and the animals. He convinced himself more than once, though, that he was somewhat of a destructive force, “And I, Grendel, was the dark side… The terrible race God cursed”(51). He took this persona of

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