Greg Mortenson's Three Cups Of Tea

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Greg Mortenson, protagonist in Three Cups of Tea demonstrates his passion for helping the people of Korphe and all through Pakistan. He is a generous, courageous, and dedicated person when he offers everything he has for underprivileged people overseas. Greg is generous when he decides to build a school for the children of Korphe. “Greg was living as cheaply as possible, saving all his money for the school and the trip he hoped to make back to Korphe. Instead of renting an apartment, he kept everything he owned in a small storage space. He slept in his car wrapped in the sleeping bag…”(29). This quote proves that Greg is generous because he is willing to give a part of his life to save money for the children overseas; to give them the education that they deserve. This also demonstrates his generosity when he decides to give up his apartment to live in his car to build a school for these children. …show more content…

“Greg took a jeep from Skardu to the town of Askole. As he traveled, it started to rain, and the rain turned into a downpour. A monsoon had swept in. The jeep driver refused to continue on the muddy road from Askole to Korphe, so Gre set off on foot”(49). This quote shows that Greg was extremely courageous when he decided to walk through an extreme storm to get the materials for the school bridge. This decision was extremely life threatening; walking through blinding rain and extreme

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