Greek God Research Paper

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be an ancient greek god or goddess? At first, the gods and goddess of greece were people that the humans made up to explain weird things such as earthquakes, floods, and other things that have to do with the weather and war. Now, we have the science to explain how and why weather is what it is today. Such as, rain, snow, hail, and even tornados. We have all the information now when they didn't and had to make up stories and theories about it so it made science. If there was a flood Poseidon was the one to blame because he was the god of the sea/ ocean, and that goes for all of the gods and goddesses. They all had different powers and they all controlled an element or part of the world and if something bad or good happened the were blamed for it. There were 12 main gods and they all sat at the top of the huge mountain, and watched over all the humans and mortals on the ground below. I think the goddess Athena was one of the most interesting of the gods. In the end, her family, life story, looks, celebrations, history and any other facts are all extraordinary. Athena had many family members and a very …show more content…

One of them was the PANATHENAIA, a celebration that was a festival every June and the whole city came to it. There are many festivals related to the celebrations. Conviviality, almost all the greeks would come to these celebrations. The cleansing festival was one of the most popular. A big wooden version of Athena would be bathed, washed and then put in a robe to soon worship. The festival of games is when a grain was put in the ground, it was really hot outside so the heat became cooler and they had a grand festival. It had almost everybody in the city and was one of the most remembered and fun festivals for Athena ever. In conclusion, there were only a couple festivals but they were still important to the

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