Grease And Footloe Comparison

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What makes Grease and Footloose an all-time classic musical film to watch is the way they easily appeal to teenagers then to teenagers now. The catchy tunes, stunning john Travolta in grease, same relatable plots in footloose, along with the wild dance moves in both movies is what makes these two films ironically very similar. Both of the main protagonists in this movie move to new areas, where new influences effect not only their teen romance, yet as well as affect their ability to avoid unwanted people and the sense of being and outsider. However, grease and footloose are taken place in a high school setting where the relationships of each individual is changed due to the social influences brought by their peers. The relatable struggle of peer pressure in today’s society is exactly the same struggles portrayed in the past and in which is shown vividly in these to movies. Peer pressure was inevitable to all the characters; grease showed how the negativity of peer pressure effected Danny and Sandy while Ren and Ariel in footloose showed how peer pressure can have a positive influences throughout their relationship. …show more content…

She tells him how she disagrees with his method of parenting their daughter and handling the ban of dancing and rock and roll music. Her word hits the reverend right in the heart and makes him realize a few things about his poor decisions. Fearing the town will be corrupted by the spiritual emotions of music and dancing is what Mr. Shaw, the reverend is afraid of so his wife helps him come to the realization that it’s best for his daughter and the town that dancing under adult supervision is okay. Due to the fact that Mrs. (Find her name) is the reverends wife, helps in persuading him that dancing truly is okay and shouldn’t be banned in which loosens the reverends point of few towards the whole

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