Grapes Of Wrath Thesis

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The significance of the thesis of this American classic is during the Great Depression in America the people were living in torment, so to not live in agony they decide to search for jobs and land. John Steinbeck’s intention was to accentuate the dangerous of American migrant workers. The thesis of the book that John Steinbeck is trying to convey is that people during the Great Depression people were living in bad conditions, getting paid low wages and in harsh weather. He claims that all the immigrants are going to be forced to move west in search for a better life for their families and themselves.
He portrays this man named Tom Joad and his family who are forced to move from Oklahoma to California. His family and thousands of other families …show more content…

The Joads struggle in harsh conditions in their journey to make it to California. They all must work in harsh extreme conditions to survive, just like Herbert Spencer said “survival of the fittest”, meaning those who adapt to the environment will be triumphant. A quote that stood out to me was, “There ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue. There’s stuff people just do.”, meaning people are nice others are not, it’s just the way the world is. The book shows us an insight of how these people lived back in the days, it tells us how they faced difficult dilemmas and how they had to take risks and matters into their hands.
The Grapes of Wrath provides us with knowledge of facts and details that support the authors thesis. In the beginning of the chapters, it says how they’re reunited as a family after Tom has been released from prison, however, they’re going to have to be forced to move west due to a large corporate taking over their farm. In the book, the author provides us with how a turtle is crossing a dry highway that is blazing hot, then a speeding truck hits it sending it flying to the side of the road on its back, it then gets on its legs and starts walking on its way (chapter 3). This symbolizes how the

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