Government Intervention And Climate Change

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Government Intervention is primarily necessary in matters that impact society on a large scale, and with the forthcoming issue of Climate Change, multiple debates and arguments from various people and sources from around the world have stimulated government intervention on a global scale. Market failure has been heavily described as one of the major facets of climate change, providing a strong platform for government intervention as it is necessary to combat the so called ‘Stock flow’ problem associated with Climate Change.
Climate change in the market is known as an extremely large negative externality, and if left to market forces, ignoring the external costs of greenhouse gases will generate an over production and consumption of products …show more content…

An increase in price on the demand side to expose the external costs of products that produce greenhouse gas emission are needed cause a shift in the choices of consumers. A reduction in sales, in conjunction with a rise in the costs of greenhouse gas production methods will provide newer incentives for manufacturers to assimilate to new production methods. A change that could be greatly developed through government intervention, by offering financial backing (subsidies) to these alternative production …show more content…

Government intervention will provide these public solutions in an effective way as the government has the power to affect all inhabitants of their respective country. Australia for example, has implemented policy initiatives and targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, along with promoting their primary focus of spreading information about Climate Change. The Information about climate change (Booklets, pamphlets etc.) are typical (Non-excludable and Non-rivalrous) public goods where the cost of producing the information has to only be incurred once, but the information can be consistently expended at no extra cost. Without government intervention, such information cannot be widely spread and the effectiveness of it will be belittled when compared to a sole individual attempting to spread the propaganda.

Unfortunately, there is a large uncertainty about the economic costs that climate change will incur due to the very long time lapse between cause and effect. As a result, the effectiveness of various projects implemented by the government cannot be correctly determined in the long run, thus hindering anticipations of the government regarding changes in the

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