Golkin's Essay Why Parents Should Let Their Kids Play Dangerous Sports

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Parents not only enable but encourage suicide among young people. Does that sound insane or classic fake news hyperbole? Well, it is, but there are a significant number of people who could believe it in a social media, click-bait headline. Jeb Golkin’s essay, “Why Parents Should Let Their Kids Play Dangerous Sports,” begins its focus on extreme sports, but segues into common school sports, while reminding us they are the modern version of the blood sports of ancient Rome. Further, it ties participation in sports as a saving grace for a complacent, fearful society, that is more concerned with prowess in a virtual video game world than the real one. His logic and reasoning are spot on, regarding the topic of helicopter parents and bubble wrapped children, producing a generation of ill-prepared citizens to take on the challenges of a brave new world. Regrettably, the author’s lack of data leaves the essay open to logical criticism, though the emotional appeal is inspiring. The essay is entertaining and well written, but, more importantly, compelling, and even encouraging to those who might think themselves judged as bad parents for allowing their children to be active in sports that challenge physical boundaries. Overall, the essay takes the horrific death of Caleb Moore, a …show more content…

These sports, where there are no winners or losers, he seems to hold in particular contempt and directs ire at them. He believes it is more important for a child to learn how to fail than how to win, because they will undoubtedly fail more than they will succeed over the course of life. The author seems to discount opinions to the contrary and his language, though subtle, is insulting to someone who feels they are looking out for the best interests of a young athlete. A less confrontational approach or perhaps an outright confrontational approach would be more

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