Globalization: Liberal Approach More Useful than Neo-realist

1989 Words4 Pages

Neo-realist and liberal approaches towards globalisation have been debated about for many decades. Traditionally the liberal view towards globalisation has exaggerated the idea of globalisation, whilst neo-realist views have played down the importance of globalisation. The word “useful” can be defined on various different levels in order to come to a conclusion. Usefulness can be looked at as to how well each approach can help understand globalisation, however, usefulness can also be used to describe the impact of the different approaches and finally the word useful can be used to identify the accuracy of the two approaches, hopefully helping to recognise which approach to globalisation is most useful. This essay will first look at the differences between the neo-realist and liberal approaches to globalisation. These include; the extent to which globalisation exists in these approaches, the part that war has to play in the globalisation debate and finally where power lies which differs a lot between the two approaches, as Scholte describes, ‘realism oversimplistically reduces power relations’ (Scholte: 2005: p.128) which is in complete contrast to the liberal view of globalisation. This essay will then go on to look at the similarities existing between these two approaches which include the fact that these approaches are both Eurocentric and that they are not up to date with contemporary international politics. The usefulness of these approaches will be examined throughout in order to come to an analytical and evaluative conclusion, which gives a clear indication of the importance and extent of globalisation. Neo-realist and liberal views were coined by very different thinkers, who therefore have different views on globalisation... ... middle of paper ... ...t view is a very narrow view of globalisation, simply dismissing its existence without looking deeper into globalisation. It is therefore fair to say that the liberal approach to globalisation is most useful as it gives an in depth view of globalisation with links to contemporary examples. The liberal view is more practical than the neo-realist view as can be shown by Reagan and Thatcher adopting the policies of Adam Smith in the 1980’s. therefore, although the neo-realist approach to globalisation is both interesting and insightful, the liberal approach to globalisation is much more useful as it is up to date and practical, and seems to be a more accurate way to describe global politics at the present time, particularly with Europe suffering from recession due to US markets. Therefore the liberal approach to globalisation is more useful than that of neo-realists.

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