Gerontology Case Study

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CRIMINAL JUSTICE: DEFENDING THE ELDERLY Cases of elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation have been recognized over the years by the criminal justice system and there has been great emphasis on it. Trainings for prosecutors and law enforcement officers have been implemented in order to learn the various aspects and have a better understanding of such cases. These trainings have also helped with identifying a potential elder offender and/or victim. Mental and physical conditions play a part and affect the elderly who are victimized or have offended, therefore, it is important for the criminal justice system to be able to identify these unique aspects (Aprile, 2012). The crimes committed by elderly have been increasing over the years, just as the elderly victims of crimes. Therefore, it is necessary for lawyers to step in and be able to assist with conditions and limitations the elder may have. According to Aprile, (2012), there are two separate frames a criminal defense attorney must view an elderly client through: Mental and physical competency. Some elderly may be completely competent to understand important matters of the case, but others might not. Therefore, the defense attorney should be able to identify and help in the best way possible by …show more content…

This could include memory loss, inability to communicate properly, inability to learn or remember new information, difficulty planning, or organizing, difficulty with coordination, personality changes, inability to reason, inappropriate behavior, paranoia, agitation, and hallucinations (Aprile, 2012). Such behavior from the client may affect during an investigation and their approach towards law enforcement. It may also affect the client’s confession, consent to search, other decisions made, and they may not want to testify or take the stand due to lack of

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