George Washington Dc Scandal

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Throughout the semester we have visited numerous sites in Washington, D.C., along with learned about various scandals throughout the history of D.C. However 2 scandals I believe show a lot about Washington, D.C. are President Kennedy’s sex scandal and The Octagon house scandal. D.C. has been the center for scandals since the beginning of time, whether that is President Kennedy and his mistresses or John Tayloe supposedly pushing his two daughters down the stairs when they wanted to marry men their father did not approve of. These scandals show how D.C. is full of secrets, corruption, sex, and how the culture of D.C has changed from scandal to scandal.
John F. Kennedy was the White House’s pretty boy. As part of class discussions he was “envied
The Octagon house was built for John Tayloe, who was a rich Virginia planter. George Washington encouraged Tayloe to have to house built to show support for the new capital city. John Tayloe was married to Ann Ogle who was a Maryland Woman, to be the perfect first family of the capital city, the combining of Virginia and Maryland. In the early 1800’s, John Tayloe supposedly pushed two of his daughters down the spiral staircase because they wanted to marry men their father did not approve of. There is no documentation or proof of these stories; however, if they’re true this once again falls into the patriarchal society of the early 1800’s. The Octagon house was also home to President Madison when the British burned part of the White House in the War of 1812. Dolly Madison’s is credited with saving the famous portrait of George Washington, showing how important the original pieces of our government were. After being seen as a hero Dolly Madison’s life was not always smooth sailing. After the Octagon House and the White House, Dolly Madison’s song had a gambling problem, and gambled all her money away. This forced her to rely on others generosity, along with the selling of the Madison papers. During this time from late 1700’s to the early 1800’s gambling was popular. However, during this time the national economy was falling as well, adding to Dolly Madison’s economic struggle. If you were to visit the Octagon house there are rumors that Dolly Madison haunts the house as well as the 2

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