Genre of Science Fiction Illustrated in Beginning of film Independence Day

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Genre of Science Fiction Illustrated in Beginning of film Independence Day

Films normally have a certain type of genre. A genre is formed when

certain elements from a type of film or book become essential to that

type of film or book. There are different type of genre likes Horror,

Romance and Comedy. The film, which I am studying, is called

'Independence Day'. The genre for this film is science fiction. This

means people are expecting to see space ships, good or evil aliens,

machines, future technology. The audience would also expect to hear or

see special effects. Significant objects would be spacecraft and

associated objects, laboratories and scientific items. Characters

would be normally men and women, who are often playing the role as

scientist and researchers. The location of the film is normally either

out of this world, an alternative futuristic environment or in a

laboratory. This is suppose to show significance of science fiction so

the audience would except to see in the future. The Director chose the

film to be a science fiction genre is because the story line and the

type of story could show that it was a science fiction genre.

The theme is often reflected in the title. In this type of genre it

would normally show the importance of freedom and the use of political

power to protect countries. So in Independence Day the theme is 'a

superior power that has come to destroy planet earth and the Americans

have to use their political power and their weaponry to protect the

earth.' This would lead in to a narrative piece, which is typically

'Planet earth is under treat from alien invasion. Only a few people

have the knowl...

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...ich is 'How does the opening of the film show the

genre of science fiction?' I conclude that the film shows a lot of

science fiction genre though out the beginning. The film starts with

the subtitles which the style of the way in which they have done them

has set the section at first. Then the film continues by making it

patriotic with a sense of fear and mystery. Which is put into

perspective when the alien spacecraft appears coming toward earth. In

the lab in Mexico scene starts you can sense excitement, and adventure

to come. The combine technology between the spacecraft produces a

large aspect of science fiction in the film. You can see our past and

the present to show the advancement of the technology since 1969 and

the time the film was suppose to represent. It also puts earth in

prospect to the alien spacecraft.

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