.Gender: Statistics show that women are under-represented in certain subjects in university in Australia.

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Even though women continue to dominate in many professional fields such as teaching, nursing and human welfare, they are underrepresented in areas of study such as engineering and Information Technology. There are many factors that can be attributed to this such as gender bias and stereotyping, the role of women in society, and perceived ability and skills.

Girls are being discouraged from undertaking science subjects. In August 2013, Linda Kristjanson, vice-chancellor of Swinburne University of Technology, addressed staff and students at Camberwell Girls Grammar School. She stated that there was "a systematic bias is redirecting girls away from science." (citation required). The Age National Sept. 5, 2013. This active discouragement may account for lower female enrolment in scientific based university courses. In **** women represented 17.5% of engineering & 23.2% of Information Technology graduates. (citation required: the age online). Fewer female graduates equates to even fewer women employed in scientific & technical professions based on current employment rates.

Unemployment rates are higher amongst women in certain fields such as engineering with unemployment levels of women more than twice that of men (citation required). This factor might deter women from pursuing engineering careers, deciding to pursue professions with greater employment potential for women such as nursing.

Many women show reluctance to enter male dominated professions for fear of discrimination and harassment therefore they do not study subjects relating to these fields. (citation required) There are men who view women in the workforce as a direct threat to their masculinity and a challenge to traditional gender roles sparking conflict in the wor...

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...f) pg 23-24.

The engineering and technology curricula is designed to accommodate males which does not take into consideration the needs of female students. Lower physical strength can disadvantage women when working in engineering and technology laboratories and workshops placing them as a distinct disadvantage when it comes to tasks requiring upper body strength such as manual handling and use of heavy tools, machinery and equipment. (citation required) http://www.wiete.com.au/conferences/3wiete/Pages/05-Nguyen-D.pdf pg. 23

Women who enter male dominated professions are often viewed negatively. They are perceived as aggressive, overly assertive and lacking in femininity. This is evident in fields such as engineering that are deemed unsuitable for women who are perceived to lack the skills required to effectively meet the demands of the job. (citation required)

    More about .Gender: Statistics show that women are under-represented in certain subjects in university in Australia.

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