Gender Roles In Taming Of The Shrew

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Gender Roles in the play “Taming of The Shrew” by William Shakespeare and the movie “10 Things I Hate About You” shows the presents of gender roles, in which the women get the lower hand, but shown in very different ways, that makes the female character change in the end, three examples show the gender roles. Control, Attachment and Obedience all ties together in the play and the movie and it also shoes the gender standards in today society. Katherine in the play shows an example of this more severe, then Kat does in the movie.
Petruchio the male in the play, dominates control over Katherine the women, and is thought that men should be treated as equal as the king. “To wound thy lord, thy king, thy governor.” Only because the women thought that the men were the only way to live, women are only alive because of the men. Katherine states “When they are bound to serve, love, and obey.” The control the male has over the female in the relationship also controls the means of extreme living …show more content…

“But love, fair looks and true obedience. Too little payment for so great a debt.” She gives the speech about how she is in debt in Petruchio for the things he has done for her, only the best of the women shows obedience and serve the men. In the movie during the party when Kat gets out of control and Patrick has to take care her and she shows obedience towards Patrick and follows him without argument. Kat has strong independent believes against things that people do just because everyone is doing them, such as the party and prom. Kat only went to the party for Bianca (younger sister). Katherine in the play shows a stronger example of obedience towards the male because at that time period, it was never thought of to defy the male in the relationship. Although that being said Kat did take a step down in the movie and show some obedience towards Patrick, representing the gender roles and women obedience towards

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