Gender Role In Medea

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“Medea,” a play by Euripides, depicts the difficulties that befall women and how their suffering from mistreatment, turned her to commit violent and terrible transgressions. Medea’s display of ceaseless demoralized actions lead to the death of nearly her entire family. The text depicts powerless women that live under the rule of their husbands in a male dominated society. Medea rises against societal norms during this time by her strong belief in her own ideas, she rises to power, and begins to challenge the idea of a strong, heroic character. The character Medea shows great power by rejecting her gender role that society placed her in. Medea is also under the power of revenge because her husband Jason abandoned her. During this time period,
Medea possessed a large amount of pride throughout the story. The nurse best described Medea’s prideful character. “She 's a dangerous woman. It won 't be easy for any man who picks a fight with her to think she 's beaten and he 's triumphed,” (Euripides 56-58). Medea has many traits that would be admirable, if only she were a man. She is ruthless, brilliant, cunning, and powerful. But her position is one of weakness: she is not a ruler or a warrior on the battlefield, she is a woman scorned. She says, “I treat my friends with kindness, and come down hard on the heads of my enemies. This is the way to live, the way to win a glorious reputation,” (Euripides 81-83). Reputation is a huge factor in a mans life. Men are always building their reputation throughout their life through war and powerful actions. Medea speaks as if she were a war hero or man with power caught up in the idea that reputation is everything. This not only contributes to the struggle with gender roles but it pokes holes in the Greeks idea of
Medea completely abandons her maternal instinct, and she is quite understanding of all that she has done.
Good-bye to my former plans…I cannot do it. And yet what is the matter with me? Do I want to make myself a laughingstock by letting my enemies off scot-free? I must go through with it…I do realize how terrible is the crime I am about, but passion overrules my resolutions …It’s worth the grief…You could not hope, nor your princess either, to scorn my love, make a fool of me and live happily ever after. (Euripides 212-219) Jason changes to the eye of the reader from the exotic hero he was made out to be the unherioc, self righteous and selfish man. At the end Medea rides through in a chariot given to her by the gods. It can be inferred that Euripides did this because it does not make sense; just as life does not make sense. Euripides could be trying to say that he does not believe that you can not so easily categorize people into gender roles. Euripides recognizes the injustice that gender roles serve in Greek society. These ideas were not very popular during this time period. Euripides was scrutinized for his writing and the way his plot twisted. It is important to remember that we can’t use these injustices as excuses for our actions but notice that these problems can create others. Medea gained power from these issues and showed signs of a strong character but the end result was not for the

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