Gender Inequality In America

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Gender inequality is a very bad situation through the world that needs to be fixed. Throughout the world, many women live with an unfair lifestyle, many with only a smattering rights. Bringing awareness to the topic of gender inequality and persecution is the crux for modern America and the rest of the world. Aside from gender inequality impacting teenagers, authors can impact readers when writing about social inequality and many genres can be used as a proactive tool. Opening up, teenagers throughout the world are the people who get impacted the most when making an everyday decision. Girls in certain countries can not receive an education or the needed health care. Politics is such a man favored profession, so many girls might not even consider it due to any premonitions. Finally, females suffer inequality in the job market First of all, girls in certain countries can not acquire an education or the needed health care. “Despite progress in recent years, girls continue to suffer severe disadvantage and exclusion in education systems throughout their lives” (Girls' Education and Gender Equality). Even though progress is being made to fully equalize girls and boys in education, girls still make up a …show more content…

Something which has barely changed over a period of time is the amount of women found in the political circle of India. If India adds women to their Parliament, their country could become more equal and they will take a step in attaining full equality. Despite high rates of economic growth, gender inequality in India is particularly apparent among marginalized groups. Also, women in Yemen have almost no say in what goes on. The Parliament has no female members and one in ten ministerial positions are occupied by women. If they Parliament surrounds themselves with women, they can become more organized, galant, savvy, illustrious, prolific, and emulate the

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