Gender Differences In Domestic Violence Cases

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Sadly, we live in in a world where domestic abuse is almost a normalized cause due to the frequency of reports. From Johnny Depp and his wife Amber Heard, to Chris Brown and Rihanna, it seems like most of these domestic violence cases are only against men and that women are not capable of abusing their significant other. In the scholarly article that I chose, the editor, Sherry Hamby, reports that instead of only believing in men abusing women cases, there are just as many women abusing men domestic cases. Hamby says, that there are two important observations to look at when looking at criminal behavior, regardless of gender. The two observations are that “There are no forms of violence that show gender parity”, and that “There are no forms of nonsexual violence with negligible numbers of female perpetrators,” (Hamby, 2005). When it comes to nonsexual violence, assault, and homicide, Hamby reports that the percent of perpetrators that were female had a range from between 10% to 25% of all cases. For intimate partner …show more content…

The analysis was combined with all forms of violent crime, which was not limited to nonsexual and sexual offenses. For adult offenders, female perpetrators accounted for between 19% and 29% of criminal assaults. Twenty-three percent of domestic offenses that were reported as assaults against family members, were discovered to be female-perpetrated. “When domestic offenses were further broken down by victim identity, adult women were the reported offender in 29% to 35% of assaults against children, parents, and other family members. The percentage was somewhat lower for intimate partner victims, which were only 20% female-perpetrated. Thus, these data may suggest that assaults by women against intimate partners are not disproportionately reported to law enforcement” (Hamby,

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