Gender And Dismemberment In The Life Of Fredrick Douglass

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Gender and location played a very important role in the lives of Fredrick Douglass, and Linda Brent (Harriet Ann Jacobs). These two important factors effected not only their child hood and growing up, but what they saw and experienced. Age, and dismemberment also was a key fact in both of the narratives. These two factor effected them early on in their narratives, and in many cases outlined them from other slaves throughout their early years of slavery.
Frederick Douglass did a great job explaining the harsh conditions of being a slave. In his narrative he spoke of the cruel things he saw and underwent while being a slave. Also, in doing this he shows the readers how his location(south) and dismemberment was a big deal growing up as a slave. He starts us off with a little background knowledge about himself .From the very beginning of his novel he made it clear that he didn't know his age, and that he was separated from his mother.1 This was something slaveholders did you separate families, regardless of their social status. He then goes on to say that the only time he saw his mother was at night, after she walked miles to get to him.2 To brake the bond between them two, the separation was necessary between slaves. He also believed that his father might be his master because slaveholders often impregnate their female slaves. Even though he was the son of a white man, there was a lot of distaste the children take after the status of their mother and his case is a slave. Which effect was great for the master because it increased his number of slaves, and the more slaves one man owned the more money he brought in.
Douglass’s slave owner, The Colonel owned around 3-4 hundred slaves on his plantation where they grew tobacco, corn and w...

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... with doing this would increase the owners number of slaves, and profits. As a result of this and many other reasons to prevent slaves from thinking of running away, Slaver Owners would tell lies to the slaves to prevent them from running away.28 They soon after relay on taking slaves to church, in hope to keep them from killing their masters like Nat Turner.29
It was noticed that Harriet focus more on love, whereas Douglass focus more on trying to find a way out. In other words Harriet showed a lot of feminism throughout her narrative, and on the other had Douglass showed more determination to get out. Due to these events, and circumstances it can be justified that gender contributed a lot in the lives of Fredrick Douglass, Linda Brent (Harriet A. Jacobs). It can also be concluded that age, and dismemberment played a big role in their lives coming up as slaves.

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