Fruit In Lord Of The Flies Symbolism Essay

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Lord of the flies symbolism project In Lord of the flies the author made things a certain way intentionally and barely anything was just because the author felt like it, each and every single thing down to who was on the island who ate what and more where all symbols. This book was written as right after World War 2 ended so it was a very dark time and a lot of the things in the book refer back to World War 2 or the holocaust. He made sure that people could find a much deeper meaning in the book. Island- The island is the the place that they are all at. On page 11 they say, “We may stay here till we die.” They said this because they now very well that their chances of getting off this island are slim. This is important in the book because …show more content…

Meat represents this because people really want meat and they need people to get it for them so then the people that get the meat have power. On page 93 it says, “we need meat.” This shows that people really wanted meat. This is important in the book because that is why Jack came to power. Fruit- Fruit represents generosity to the non-powerful figures. It represents this because the littluns have to fend for themselves and no one protects them. “Passes them back down to the endless outstretched hands.” This piece of text evidence shows that the littluns are helpless and needs the biguns to do it for them. This is important in the book because when this was written World War 2 just ended so he’s kind of making the littluns or the ones that eat fruit the jews or the peasants Ship- The ship separates the group. The ship separates the group when a ship came by a didn’t see them since Jack wasn’t making sure the fire was lit. On page 91 Ralph says, “You let the fire go out.” This evidence shows that Ralph was angry beyond words at Jack. In the book this is important because it was their first chance of getting off the island. It is also important because it created a huge conflict between Jack and Ralph. After this happened they split up because of what each of them thought were

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