Friar Lawrence's Decisions

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In the play by William Shakespeare, “Romeo and Juliet”, Friar Lawrence has a very conspicuous role. The Friar is, without a doubt, one of the most influential voices of this play. The decisions he makes create more problems each time. Also, at every turn, he refuses to take any blame. Finally, his blindness to the impetuosity of the couple causes him to avoid any effort to repair his errors. Shakespeare used Friar Lawrence as a major force in the tragedy. Every time the Friar attempts to assist the couple, his decision only adds to the problem. For example, though he sees Romeo’s as he is deciding to marry Juliet overnight, he still agrees to marry them in the hope that this will bring to an end the hatred between the two families. Anyway, his plan goes awfully wrong no one cannot miss the sincerity of his actions. Friar Lawrence was trying to make a convenient way to make the families come together and not be blamed at all if the two families start a feud. In the story, At Romeo’s desire Friar Lawrence states in the play, "In one respect I’ll thy assistant be; for this alliance may so happy prove, to turn your households to pure love". Friar Lawrence believes that this holy marriage would bring the Capulet family and Montague family closer together, for he anticipates that the families will stop hating each …show more content…

In the story, when Friar married Romeo and Juliet he didn’t permit anyone else attend the wedding. Friar awful wrongdoing lead to many other situations when Friar try to keep everything a secret from the public to hear about. Later on in the play, the Friar was semi-involved in the murder of Tybalt, but yet again he tries to cover his on back, and refuses to take any blame in what he did in the story.Friar utterly thinks that his actions is perfect but in reality he is really not. Friar, “ Hide in the shadow” as everything fell down on the other characters

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