Friar Lawrence's Betrayal

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In the tragedy Romeo and Juliet there was a great number of effects that put a strain on them both. It seems the two star crossed lovers were doomed the day they met. Everything horrifying that happened to them seemed to be right after they met, so basically they were doomed but too blind and “in love” to see it. Friar Laurence, the priest of Verona is the reason for the death of Romeo and Juliet because Juliet and him made a plan that ended up terrible and having the feeling of betrayal in the air.
Friar Laurence is someone in Verona that people went to for their problems. Although, he does not control the city, he has a great amount of power. Friar had poor thought out plans, he was very manipulative, and how desperate he was to fix the families. The first mistake Friar Laurence made was, He married them which created a bond between Romeo and Juliet "For, by your leaves, you shall not stay alone / Till holy church incorporate two in one." (act 2 scene 5, lines 36-37). From then on out is where everything went downhill. Although, Him being manipulative led to the feeling of betrayal. …show more content…

He knew Romeo was very weak, and could not even hold up himself. Friar said “Women may fall when there is no strength in men.” (Act 2 Scene 3 lines 80) He is foreshadowing something bad happening to Romeo and still keeps going with everything. He is betraying Romeo and Juliets trust because they put everything with him and trusted him to guide them through the right way, but instead he guided them to their deaths. Friar knew what he was doing to them, he knew something bad was going to happen in the long run, but he still used them for his advantage. Throughout all of this, it started getting bad and thought of a poor

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