Friar Lawrence Killed In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet was an emotional rollercoaster and many people are to blame for the tragedy. Friar Lawrence, Nurse, and Lord Capulet should all be punished for their roles in the tragedy.

The first character that I’m going to write about is Friar Lawrence, and I think he should be punished. The first reason Friar should be punished is because he didn’t tell Romeo and Juliet’s parents about their relationship. If Friar told their parents about them it would have prevented their deaths. My second reason is that he gave Juliet the potion. The potion that he gave her was to make her sleep for 42 hours, which made her seem dead to anyone observing her. The third, and final reason is that Friar hid Romeo after he had gotten exiled. This was bad because Romeo got exiled for killing Tybalt. Finally, I believe that Friar Lawrence should be punished because he could’ve prevented multiple deaths from occuring. …show more content…

The first reason he should be punished is because he didn’t care about Juliet's wellbeing. He told Juliet that he didn’t care if she had to beg for food on the streets, and died. The second reason is that he was verbally abusive towards his daughter, Juliet. An example of him being verbally abusive is when he said, “Wife, we thought we were very lucky that God gave us this only child -- but now I realize that this one is one too many and we’ve been cursed in having her! To blazes with her, the worthless creature!” Another reason is that he forced Juliet to marry Count Paris when she didn’t want too. Juliet told her father that she didn’t want to marry him but he didn’t care about what she said, and also didn’t care about her well-being. Finally, I believe that Lord Capulet should be punished because he was not a good

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