Friar Lawrence As A Tragic Hero

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Heroes are usually described to be the “good” character that fixes a problem in the story. However, in the story of Romeo and Juliet the “hero” doesn’t help fix the problem, he causes the problem. This is called a tragic hero and is described to be someone who starts off in good standing or position and is led to downfall because of a fault of his/her own. The character that does, in fact, fall into the category of the tragic hero is by far Friar Lawrence. This can be shown throughout the play on multiple occasions as he attempts to help the main characters find true happiness, but the attempts fail because of his own fault. Friar Lawrence can be determined to be the biggest factor in leading the two star-crossed lovers into a very tragic death. …show more content…

This is because he manipulated the whole city of Verona into believing that Juliet was dead. He created his biggest scheme to drug Juliet and provide her with happiness. When Juliet took the drug, the Friar was there and acted surprised in front of the Capulets faces, stating “Confusion’s cure lives not in these confusions. Heaven and yourself had part in this fair maid. Now heaven hath all” (4.5, 65-67). The quote means that heaven has taken Juliet from the Capulets or Juliet has died. Even though he knew that Juliet was alive, he explicitly lied to everyone in Verona and went against his moral code of being a Friar. Also, he manipulated Romeo into believing that he should leave and that everything would be okay. The moment that Romeo killed Tybalt and got banished, Friar Lawrence manipulated him into believing that everything would be alright. He created a scheme for Romeo, stating “Beg pardon of the Prince, and call thee back with twenty hundred thousand times more joy” (3.3, 152). Friar Lawrence made Romeo think that Friar Lawrence would help him, but they never did beg the Prince for pardon. This relates to the theme of a tragic hero because belief is a huge part of the story. Specifically, Capulet’s belief that Paris is good and Romeo and Juliet’s belief that true love exists. Since Friar Lawrence has shown that he is a master of manipulation, he is able to change other character’s beliefs and creates chaos through his

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