Freedom Of Speech Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

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In the past decade, there has been a huge conflict with regard to free speech. There are those who believe that there should not be straining on free speech, while others think there should be limits to how far one can go. However, everyone needs experience in dealing with controversial ideologies as it has them learn and reflect on their own views. If everything controversial were to be censored, the world would be composed of grown up children. Although speech can be taken to a radical extent, no limitations should be placed on freedom of speech because it will only damage the people of society from becoming critical thinkers. There will be less critical thinkers if any source of influence is censored. If there were to be a limit on free speech, what would be considered unaccepted? It is impossible to have one national standard since there are several different cultures spread throughout the country so there will be different boundaries for different groups. And if this boundary is ever set, people will be in conflict with each other because their tolerances will vary. Instead of creating an …show more content…

For many students, it tends to be much more than just getting a job after graduation. They take part in their community on campus and discover themselves as they develop further in life. When some students take action to make a change to their college, it seems to only support their personal ideologies. So when that action is aimed towards restricting free speech, who is it actually benefitting? Freedom of speech should be encouraged, especially at universities because students need to think for themselves whether that influence should affect them or not. It is all rooted to the basis of experience, where one needs to gain knowledge in order to reassess it later. This is why students or colleges should not force their ideologies on others since it is purely not educative and

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