Satirical Reflections: Osama Bin Laden's Condemnation

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Satire on "Abou Ben Adhem" Osama Bin Laden, may his tribe decrease, awoke one night from a dream of shattered peace and saw within the shadows of his room Satan writing in the Book of Doom. Recent successes had made Bin Laden bold. "What writest you? To me it must be told." "This book names those most hated by their fellow man, like Stalin, Hitler, Attila and Ghengis Khan." "And is mine one?" The Devil answered "no, its not, you do not rate among this lot." Then Osama said, "I have a Holy plan - to annihilate the Infidel, to a man." The Devil wrote, then laughed aloud at an amendment to the list, avowed. He showed the list of denizens of Hell and lo! Bin Laden's name was there as well. With apologies to Leigh Hunt.

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