Freak The Mighty By Rodman Shilbrick Analysis

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Most clients who meet my dad who is a big,tall,and muscular dude think he is a guy who doesn't really like people, and if he doesn't like you you shouldn't even try to get to know him. But nothing I have just said about him is true,he is really just a fun and loving guy who you can rely on all the time. And If something goes wrong,he can most likely fix it. He is a true outdoorsmen who will go camping in a insent and will laugh at anything you throw at him. He also has a soft spot for his two dogs Rubie and Sadie.If you ever need to find him,he will be outside relaxing with the family or having a good time.The theme people get from this is that some people don't always look who they seem to be even if you think you know them.This also the theme of the book freak the mighty By Rodman Philbrick …show more content…

If we were to judge him solely on his appearance, we might assume that he is a person you don't want to mess with and if you didn’t know his age you would mistake him for a adult. In fact, when we first see him,he is called kicker in preschool since he kicks people if they tried touch him since his father grabbed him and put him to bed when Max’s dad killed his mother. This shows that he is kind of a mean kid you shouldn't get to know.Max also helps out freak later in the book by taking him places or going on ‘’quests’’as they call it. This shows how Max is a nice person who will help whenever he can do so.This shows that our initial judgment of was wrong Max is a good person who is helpful and kind to

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