Frankenstein´s Relationship With Nature In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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In the beginning of the novel, Victor creates the monster, while isolating himself for five years. While creating this monster, he not only isolates himself, but Victor abandons his “ideal” life. Family and friends whom Victor uses as his support system throughout the novel, especially his good friend Henry Clerval and his cousin Elizabeth, constantly surround Victor and create his “ideal” life. From the moment Victor abandons this life, as the novel portrays, Victor is considered an outcast of society. Victor abandons such a life by isolating himself from the world in order to achieve what he feels is “natural philosophy” and to reveal the true characteristics of life. Victor creates the monster with the intention of creating a superhuman …show more content…

Both Victor and the monster respect nature; however, they respect nature in various ways and at different times. Unlike Victor who only seeks out nature when he has reached his lows, the monster is true to nature and constantly shows appreciation for it. The monster inhabits the mountains of Switzerland mainly because his physical appearance acts as a barrier, preventing him from any other type of habitat, thus the monster is forced to respect nature he lives among. The monster says “The pleasant sunshine, and the pure air of day, restored me to some degree of tranquility…” (95). Like any type of animal living in the woods, the monster feeds off of berries and roots but does not eat any of the animals, which also inhabit the land. There is also an instance in the novel where a girl slipped into a stream and the monster noticed that she was about to drown. He acted quickly to save the girl and was instantly shot at by the people who accompanied the girl. This is a pivotal moment for the monster because it shows how he is a kind-hearted creature who has overcome the fact that the humans do not respect him- but he still shows respect for them by risking his life to save the girl. Victor seeks refuge within nature and is constantly seen in the novel turning to nature for comfort but only when he needs it, or when something upsets him. On the other hand, the monster who did not ask to be created and whom his creator abandoned, still finds appreciation for nature without having anything else, like Victor does. Victor uses nature for his own selfish reasons while he has many other options to act as a refuge. For the monster, it is his only safe haven. After Victor’s cousin is murdered, instead of seeking other supportive sources (such as a group of friends or family), Victor takes a walk through the woods at night and decides to retreat to nature for his own rehabilitation. The monster, on

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