Frankenstein Preface-12 Study Guide

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Frankenstein Preface-12 Study Questions
1. The preface to the book is set up uniquely. How so? Does this approach draw you in as a reader? Be specific.
The preface to the book is set up uniquely because it is a series of letters. This approach draws you in as a reader because it immediately starts with an anecdote or a small story to catch the attention of the reader.
2. Which letter is most significant and why?
The fourth letter in the most significant because Walton meets another character who he has been looking for and this ultimately leads to the beginning of the book.
3. Who is Victor Frankenstein and what do we know about his lineage?
Victor Frankenstein is the stranger Walton was describing in the fourth letter. Alphonse, Frankenstein’s …show more content…

He was a curious child and viewed the world as secret he was to discover.
6. Who was Cornelius Agrippa and what was his influence on young Victor?
Cornelius Agrippa was a sixteenth century author who influenced Victor’s interest in natural philosophy.
7. Why are Victor’s plans at the university interrupted?
Victor’s plans to attend the university were interrupted because Elizabeth caught the scarlet fever. Then Elizabeth became sick and died.
8. What are Caroline Frankenstein’s fate and her wish for Victor?
Caroline catches scarlet fever from Elizabeth and dies. Before she passes, she begs Elizabeth and Victor to get married.
9. When Victor finally gets to the university, how do the professors react to his ideas about science?
The professors are alarmed in reaction to his ideas because Victor has been studying outdated and useless writings.
10. Who is Professor Krempe and how does he alter Victor’s academic path?
Professor Krempe is a professor of natural philosophy at the university of Ingolstadt who is deeply interested in the secrets of science. He altered Victor’s academic path because he made Victor begin reading up to date books about sciences. Victor also realizes that so much has been done already, now he must pioneer a new way and unfold the world’s deepest secrets particularly in …show more content…

At one point, Victor warns Walton not to follow his example. What does he mean by this?
Victor means by warning Walton not to follow his example that by becoming obsessed like he has he has only discovered his own destruction and misery.
12. When Victor’s creation comes to life, how does he react? Why?
Victor is at first very anxious then once the creation was finished the beauty of his dream vanished and horror and disgust filled his heart. He also spends the night in fear and disappointment in his creation because he spent so much time on it and it does not fulfill his effort. The creation’s appearance also horrifies him.
13. Who is Henry Clerval? What is his relationship to Victor and why is he also at the university?
Henry Clerval is a friend of Victor’s and is from Geneva. So, he is a familiar face to Victor and tells him how his family is doing. Henry is at Ingolstadt because he is about to begin studying there.
14. Victor receives a letter from his father regarding what traumatic news?
The letter Victor receives tells him that his youngest brother, William has been murdered.
15. What is revealed to Victor about this tragedy upon returning home?
After Victor returns to Geneva he learns that Justine has been accused of the

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