Frankenstein Monster Monologue Essay

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When I was brought into this world, on a dreary November night, I did not know it at the time, but I was immediately abandoned. Victor Frankenstein created me in his image, yet he found me vulgar. He used the finest parts of man he could find to create me, yet he found me inhuman. I was supposed to be beautiful, but indeed I am wretched. When I finally had the compacity to think and feel, I learned that no one in this world would ever sympathize with someone as gory as me.
Frankenstein was the only one who could create monsters like I, so I demanded from him a companion. For a while, he felt indebted to me, since I am his deserted creation, but soon agony came over him and he ceased to pursue a second monster. For this, I killed everyone around …show more content…

Whilst attempting to destroy him, I neglected to fulfill my desires. But, now, you have appeared with knowledge almost capable to grant me these wishes. Frankenstein had wished to renew life where death had taken shelter, similar to how you wish to extend human life in the future. You speak of giving new bodies to those with ailing ones by severing their heads and giving them old bodies. First, you will join head-body arteries then the windpipe, gullet, spine. You say that in order to join the neurons within the spinal cords and to give the patient mobility, you will send electric shocks to the point of fusion. Your first willing subject, Valery Spiridonov, says that he awaits the day he awakes and faces no limits due to his severe muscular atrophy. The procedure is gory, but the outcome is glorious. You look past the difficult operation and heated critics. You look forward to the outcomes of the procedure. It almost reminds me of how I was …show more content…

You took a severed head of a rat and grafted it onto a different body, that still had its head. How did this improve its being? The monkey was completely paralyzed and did not regain consciousness after the procedure. It was only kept alive because of what you call “ethical reasons.” Where is the humanity in this? Do you think that these creatures are incapable of perceiving pain? How will you perform the procedure correctly if you cannot seem to do it on other beings. Even your experiments done on animals don’t seem to deserve credit. What’s even more inexplicable is your view on animal testing. You say that science has killed enough animals and that there is already enough animal data. What about those rats and that monkey. What are your procedures adding to the scientific community? Why haven’t you officially published the outcomes of your supposedly successful first

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