Frankenstein Mental Health Essay

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In “Frankenstein”, Mary Shelley presents the idea that alienation can cause a decline in both mental and physical health. There are many examples of this throughout the novel such as when Victor is working on his creation and bringing him to life, as well as when the monster sees Victor and begins to explain his life, during the making of the female monster, and throughout Victor’s life. Ultimately, both mental and physical health can be directly impacted by alienation. Throughout the novel there are many examples of how alienation impact mental and physical health. Victor alienates himself quite a bit and his health is impacted by it. An example of this is when Victor was finishing the monster and getting ready to bring it to life. “Every …show more content…

The novel has the monster being affected by mental health issues because of alienation. An example of this would be when the monster approached Victor in the mountains of Chamounix, “All men hate the wretched; now, then, must I be hated, who am miserable beyond living things!” (95). This quote tells of how the monster is placed alone in the world because no man is not scared of his appearance. Another example would be when the monster is speaking with Victor, “If you comply with my conditions, I will leave them and you at peace, but if you refuse, I will glut the maw of death, until it be the blood of your remaining friends.” (95). This quote explains how the monster’s mental health was not in the right place as he threatened to kill to prove a point. This quote also shows how the monster’s mental health was affected by having to be alone. A third example would be when the monster was first living in the hovel, “ I lay on my straw, but could not sleep.” (108). This quote shows that while the cottagers are sleeping peacefully the monster can not sleep as he is picturing the end of his loneliness. This quote also shows how the monster’s mental health was changed at the hope that the cottagers would end his alienation. In conclusion, this novel includes more than one character suffering from a decline in health due to

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