Frankenstein And Technology Essay

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focuses on science and technology. Shelley’s viewpoint of the harmful effects of technology can still be applied to modern technology use, despite the potential advantages and benefits that it brings, it can also be harmful to one’s health and relationships. Another aspect of Shelley’s novel that portrays the monstrous side of technology is the idea that humans can have a desire to possess a higher power with the use of technology. She illustrates the viewpoint that humans - specifically Frankenstein - cannot handle what comes with the use of such powerful and impactful scientific technology. In the novel, Frankenstein focuses on the idea of the discovery that he is potentially able to possess the power to create life. He takes on a “God-like” …show more content…

It undermines the traditional means of intelligence as it creates a new way of life and means to do things. The concept of creating life takes on a “God-like” role as it interferes with nature. Frankenstein’s creation of the monster does just that as he creates life with scientific technology. He uses technology to bypass the process of natural creation of life, turning to experiments and science to create something similar to a natural product. In an article about technological impotence, author Thomas Vargish researches the idea of technology and power. He states that “technological developments have a way of intersecting or ambushing traditional values” (Vargish 323). Technology has created a way to disrupt natural ways of life, such as the creation of it as seen in Shelley’s novel. As she portrays the dangers of taking on such a power, she shows the consequences that come with it as we see the suffering that Victor Frankenstein endures. Consequences of the experiment are disregarded in the novel as the monster is created. Frankenstein explains that “[he] had desired it with ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart” (Shelley 35). An article by Bina Venkataraman explains how Frankenstein “[neglected] the outcomes of experimentation and discovery” (Venkataraman 1). Frankenstein was preoccupied with the desire for power, failing to understand possible consequences for trying to create life with power and

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