Frank O Connor's First Confession

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Everyday, humans are faced with moral or logical decisions constantly alter the universe that surrounds them. One can assume that these decisions are fabricated based on one’s knowledge or previous experiences, and not influenced by outside factors. However, independence is merely a social construct, designed to induce the feeling of supremacy over one’s actions. Similar to animals, humans live in a society where each member must fulfil a role in the community, follow a pre-established social protocol, and follow the “herd”. Any individual who deviates from the protocol, or disagrees with the general consensus, is shunned by the community and branded as an outcast. It is this common practice that influences one’s decision making process, wondering …show more content…

Not only does Asch prove that we are still bound to the social conducts that bounded our ancestors, but also that the independence that many claim to posses, is not prevalent when faced against a crowd. Asch’s findings are explained in even simpler terms in Frank O’Connor’s short story, “First Confession”. The story revolves around Jackie, the protagonist, and his misbelief of confession. Influenced by the ideas and beliefs of others, Jackie rues the day in which he must go to confession, believing that he will be eternally damned and confined within the depths of Hell. Nevertheless, it is daunting to believe that a child, who has not entered his teen years, is led to believe that he is destined to enter Hell, if he, or thinks, of breaking one of the Ten Commandments. This fear haunts Jackie, and does not have the courage to go against a popular opinion, essentially conforming to what others believe. Although it may seem exorbitant to believe that one is destined to Hell because of a mortal sin, Jackie’s submission to a popular consensus reflects a prevalent scenario in human

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