Frank Landslide Essay

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Frank Slide is still one of Canada’s deadliest landslide to date. It occurred on April 29, 1903, at 4:10 a.m. The town of Frank, which was situated at the base of the mountain was demolished by the landslide in about 100 seconds. Seventy to ninety people were killed in this massive landslide, and most of the bodies were not able to be recovered as they were under 82 million tons of rock. The formation of Turtle Mountain was the main cause of the landslide. It was formed with the weaker rock base on the bottom, and the stronger rock base forming on top, causing an unstable form of the mountain. Massive fissures and cracks were formed as the mountain was formed. Which only grew bigger as water and ice eroded the limestone, increasing the size of the fissure making the mountain more unstable. Records from 5,000 to 1,500 years ago written by the indigenous people living in the area, shows massive fissures along the summit ridge on …show more content…

The town of Frank was a mining town, they mined in the mountain. Mining was the main reason for the town of Frank to thrive, as they were mining for coal, which was in major demand. Many of the miners reported several months prior to the landslide, that the mountain was shifting. Many cracks were formed along the top of their mining tunnel, and much of the coal fell as if it “mined itself”. The reports of these events were ignored as many of the people, did not know it was a major signal for a landslide. On April 28, 1903, the temperature plummeted to -18 degrees Celsius, freezing the already melting snow in the fissures, in which started the deadliest landslide in Canadian history. The miners that were on the night shift were miraculously safer than those outside of the mountain. As the rock plummeted onto the town below, the entrance to the mine was blocked. They mined for 13 hours out of the rock, and as they emerged from the rubble, they only saw the remains on there once known

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