Frank And Monica's Disengaged Parents Do Their Families

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Shameless, a show full of crazy adolescent kids, has been a popular show amongst people for the past couple years. Many will say the family is very dysfunctional, but they are a very dysfunctional, functional family. Frank and Monica have six children that range from three and twenty-one. Their children are Fiona, Phillip (Lip), Ian, Debbie ,Carl, and Liam. This show has many examples of the parenting styles, conflicts between parent and child, and even shows you the best and worst of sibling relationships.

The Gallagher parents do their parenting style a little different than most parents. I would consider Frank and Monica’s parenting style to be disengaged. Disengaged parents are described as showing low levels of demandingness and responsiveness.(Arnett, 2018) Monica made a few appearances in the show, but they made Monica out to be a disengaged mom. She was never really in the kids’ lives and when she did show up she showed them little in the way of love and the concern towards her six children. Frank, also a disengaged parent, was an alcoholic father that only cared about drinking. He was in and out of the house and not keeping track of his kids. …show more content…

(Arnett, 2018) The adolescent outcomes that were associated with disengaged parents were impulsiveness, delinquency, having early sex, and drug use, all of which the Gallagher kids faced. (Arnett, 2018) Impulsiveness in the show would be when Ian, who is gay, ran off with Nikki, his boyfriend, to Mexico. Ian got up one day, quit his job, and went on a road trip with Nikki. Carl became a delinquent when he got caught for selling heroin. An example of early sex in Shameless was when Debbie had sex at the age of 15 and got pregnant. Drug use played a big part throughout the show. Frank and Phillip (Lip) were alcoholics and smoked

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