Fold Surgery Theme

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One of the major themes in my independent reading book was the idea of Joyce getting the fold surgery and the events leading up to it. The fold surgery is very important to Joyce because of the way she looks. Most Korean women have flat wide eyes. Joyce doesn't want to just blend in like everyone else, she wants to be different. Some of the main characters in my book are Joyce, John Ford Kang(JFK), and Gomo. Joyce is a Korean girl in her junior year of highschool. She has a very low self esteem, and often envy's other girls. One event that really shot her down was when JFK mistakes her when he signs her yearbook. Joyce, John, and another Korean girl Lynn all share a science class together. Lynn is a nice, smart, girl, but is considered to …show more content…

This book doesn't really have a major peak moment, but more major key moments that play into the overall moral of the story. The message behind this book is one that I think everyone needs to hear. Not just moody teenage girls, but all men and women could take something from reading this book. The main message from this book is to just be you and not to let any stereotypes or other people get in the way of that. More times than not, people(especially teen girls), do what they have to do just to fit in. Life's not always fitting in. Life isn't about looking, acting, and being like everyone else. Life is about being yourself and being the best you that you can be. It's not always about being good enough for other people, it's about being good enough for you, and happy with yourself. In The Fold, Joyce wants to fit in with everyone else. She tries especially hard because being Korean already makes her feel different. When she's offered the surgery, she says yes. At first she doesn't know how she feels about going through such a major lifestyle change. She's worried but excited to finally feel beautiful and not just a member of the crowd. Counting down, she starts to become weary of the surgery. Her best friend is 100% against the idea. When Joyce's mother gets a permanent makeup surgery and has a negative reaction, that really makes up Joyces mind. Towards the end of the book when Joyce goes in for surgery, she

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