Fly Fishing Subculture

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Winding mountains, verdant fields, and meandering rivers are all beautiful things that bring us serenity. One thing that takes me to a place of profound serenity is fly fishing. Picture yourself standing on a tranquil riverbank, enveloped by the gentle rustle of trees and the rhythmic flow of water, while dancing with fish on the end of your line that can snap at any moment. It may seem counterintuitive, but there's something about this sport that effortlessly unravels the burdens of everyday life, leaving behind a sense of peace and tranquility. For my English class, I was assigned a project to explore a subculture to which I belonged. Surprisingly, identifying this subculture proved more challenging than anticipated, for me it was hidden in plain sight. Eventually, I settled on …show more content…

Let me begin by recounting how my passion for fly fishing first started. When I was about 5 years old, my parents took me back to camp for a family gathering. Amidst the gathering, I watched with fascination as my grandpa and his sister imparted the art of casting wet flies to my cousins. I didn’t get to learn how to fly fish that day. I only had my Spider-Man pole. It wasn't until a year later that I was finally introduced to the sport firsthand. I instantly fell in love hearing all the stories about my great-grandfather pulling in 17-inch rainbows. My interest in the hobby waned until a couple of years ago, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Stepping back into the water after 6 years of not fishing. I felt a wave of nostalgia and renewal wash over me. With each cast, my passion for fly fishing reignited. I feel that what helped me come back after so long was that I was having a hard time with life. At the time, I recently lost a close friend, and being stuck inside didn’t help. Fly fishing became my lifeline and helped me get out of that

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