Fluency: Lack Fluency In The Classroom

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Several of my students in my second grade class are exhibiting weak fluency. Fluency is reading easy and well. I plan to teach another whole group lesson on fluency to assist the children in fluency. . Other teachers have suggested four lessons which I could implement to improve the children’s fluency. The lessons include: The Fluency Development Lesson, The oral recitation lesson, The Support Reading Strategy and the Cross-Age Reading lesson. The lesson that I have chosen is the Oral Recitation Lesson. The oral recitation lesson provides work on fluency in daily reading instruction. There are two components: direct instruction and student practice. Direct instruction incorporates comprehension, practice, and then performance. Indirect instruction involves practicing until mastery is achieved. There are steps involved in …show more content…

I like this lesson because you can use it on a daily basis. It is not a lesson that will take a couple of days, so you could not do it that often. It also is a lesson of progression. First I read, then they read individually or in a group, and lastly they read to the whole class. Also by us discussion what expressive oral reading is the students can see if they are reading correctly or not. I did not choose the support reading strategy lesson because it takes three days to complete. I do not think three days is long enough to see if they are becoming fluent. With the oral recitation lesson we could do it almost every day. I did not choose the cross-age reading strategy because it provides middle school readers with a lesson cycle. I do not think my second graders are ready for that. I did not choose the fluency development lesson because I do not think it incorporates the indirect instruction like the oral recitation lesson does. The fluency development lesson has students volunteer to read the texts. Not all students are going to volunteer, so the whole class is not getting the

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