Confronting Racial Standards: A Personal Narrative

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Journal #3 My race transcends my experiences more than my other social identities because it sets different standards and pressures for me to overcome. The article “Five Faces of Oppression” talks about how a ruling group uses various methods to oppress another group. After reading the five faces, I realized that my experiences have been greatly guided by marginalization and cultural imperialism.
I learned the etiquette, mannerisms and customs of European cultures in part because they played a critical role in my family’s social mobility. I learned to read and write in English and French in school and was allowed to practice my ethnic languages at home. I learned to wear my hair straight instead of in an Afro in order to be taken seriously …show more content…

In “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack,” Peggy McIntosh lists the ways that she experiences white privilege on a daily basis. Oftentimes, people of color are led to believe that marginalization will be diminished once they experience upward social mobility. In my experiences, this is not true. Some of the privileges McIntosh points out, such as not worrying about being late reflecting poorly on whites as a whole, reinforce my belief that certain forms marginalization will persist regardless of status. My suburban family could not protect me from friends whose families would not welcome me into their home because of their predisposed ideas about blacks. I am starting to realize that this was a form of marginalization that I internalized. I was welcomed into the spaces predominantly occupied by whites but at the same time, I was kept at arm’s length. These experiences reinforced the pressure I often feel to make sure my appearance and actions for fear of making my entire race and culture look bad. The power and liberation I have acquired by assimilating into white culture has not protected me from being marginalized. Instead, it taught me to internalize my cultural oppression and marginalization as something that is necessary for my

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